Kate’s Blog
Talking about everything from websites to life as an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur Life
Branding + Design
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How to Strategically Cut Your Marketing Budget
Cutting marketing spend is a difficult decision, but it may be necessary in certain circumstances, such as during an economic downturn or when your business is facing other financial challenges. If you're considering cutting marketing spend, it's important to do so...
How to Handle Negative Online Reviews
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates Negative online reviews can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that everyone has a bad experience from time to time. The way you handle negative reviews can make a big...
Are Billboards Still Relevant?
In the old days (pre-interwebs) these were THE things that got noticed. You knew you were someone in business when you could afford a billboard. Today- with our attention pulled in a hundred (thousand?) different directions, traditional media doesn’t get the love that...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing
I have a confession, I’m in love with the ‘unsubscribe’ button. If subscribing to a certain email brings me no value, I’m gone. I get enough emails that I really don’t need to be reminded to buy another pair of shoes or a shirt. However, I do tend to keep the emails...
Why Great Custom Photos for your Business are Worth Every Penny
Ever visit a website that is text only? Did it evoke any sort of positive emotion? Probably not. I’ve seen small businesses avoid the CRUCIAL step of investing in custom pictures for two reasons- cost and they are uncomfortable in front of a camera. Get over the cost....
What Content Should I Include on My Website?
Website FAQ: What kind of content should be on my website? Going over a content plan with new clients is a great time to review the ‘who what when where why’ of a business. Give your site a quick ‘once-over’ being sure you are giving your customers enough information...
Why Don’t I Rank First on Google? SEO Secrets Revealed
Why aren't I ranking first on Google? *AKA- All of my highly classified SEO secrets* "If you’re going to post content on your site anyway, you might as well take the time to make sure google takes notice of your effort." – The Content Factory Do any of these sound...
Security & Safety: Phishing Scams
You've likely heard this term- phishing. The media likes it because it sounds scary any ominous. But phishing is using something as bait to get more info from you- to most likely use against you in the future. From the FTC: Scammers use email or text messages to trick...
Security & Safety: How to Spot a Scam
There are A LOT of internet scams out there. And *usually* they are pretty obvious and we know to delete the emails from the Nigerian Prince offering us a million dollars and a yacht. But some of these scams look like opportunities, and some of them play to our fears....
Digital Advertising 101- How to Get Started
I'm often asked: when is it time to start investing in digital advertising? Before you start pumping money into ads, let's be sure you have your organic digital presence squared away including: Website Google My Business Profile Social Media SEO Email Marketing Then...
Who is your ‘Squad’? Why a professional support group is the secret to leveling up your business.
Chances are, over the past year you have spent less time physically with other people and a great deal more time connecting virtually. What does that mean for your professional network? I’m not talking about networking where the goal is to increase the number of...
Why You Need a Marketing Plan
It’s no secret that I’m a complete geek for anything marketing, design, or advertising. Even I can admit that the idea of a marketing plan is one of the least exciting conversations we have in business- maybe second to tax planning or insurance. After years of working...