Contact Kate

Ready to work together? Not sure about your next steps in growing your business?

Let’s take your design and marketing to the next level.

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Bookings + Partnerships


Looking for a keynote or breakout session speaker? Kate offers her experience and knowledge in engaging and impactful sessions.


Booking your seminar, training session, custom workshop? Email directly for availability, rates, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who does your website and design work?

I do. Never have and never will use subcontractors for website design and development work. Just me, with a messy bun and an extra-large cup of coffee, pouring my energy into your brand.

The exception is any video, audio, or specialized graphic design work- such as animations.

Do you accept guest posting for your blog?

I’m honored that you want to speak to my audience! However, in order to maintain my tone of voice, I do NOT accept guest posting requests. Requests will be not be returned. 

Do you do free promo work for exposure?

In a word- no. Free work doesn’t pay my bills, feed my kids, or buy dog food for my Golden Doodle. I suggest looking to design students for low-cost work.

As I saw in a tattoo shop once: Cheap, Fast, Good- pick two.

What happened to the 'Not Your Mama's Marketing Podcast?'

Oh, how I loved my podcast. I’m still a little nostalgic for the microphone. 

Tough times require tough choices. I chose to put the podcast on pause in March of 2021 to focus on the changing needs of my clients during these ‘unique’ times.

Maybe someday you’ll hear me on the podcast again….

Can I work for you?

I’m flattered that you love what Kate Winter Digital Solutions is doing, but at this time we are not hiring.

Do you get paid by any of the brands you recommend?

Some, but I never promote a brand or service that I haven’t personally vetted.

How do I get started?
Email me at or fill out this handy form and let’s chat!